
The Isles Board of Directors 

  • John Savage - President
  • Robert Wolfgang - Vice President
  • Dennis Fluegel - Treasurer
  • Michael Holland- Secretary 
  • Donna Uhl - Director 

Amenities Committee 

  • Barbie Burke
  • Ken Natoli
  • Ben Scaturro
  • June Fluegel
  • Maureen Buzdygon
  • Claudia Cardillo
  • Tom Widmaier
  • Bonnie Moran
  • James Parsons

The committee will work to promote active participation in sports activities in The Isles. They will assist in developing and organizing existing sports activities, and in bringing new sports to the community. They will also review requests from residents regarding new sports programs and provide recommendations to the Board of Directors, Property Manager and Activities Director regarding implementation. Even if you have never picked up a ball or a racket…Bocce, Basketball, Pickleball, Tennis anyone?

Resident Landscaping Committee 

  • Diane Lavecchia-Smith
  • Gloria Cardoni
  • Jackie Leavenworth
  • Ken Natoli
  • Don Stage

The task of this committee is to oversee and advise on the aesthetic and maintenance standards of community landscaping. They typically review landscape designs, recommend improvements, & select plant varieties. The committee may also engage residents for feedback and help manage seasonal plantings or special landscaping projects to enhance the neighborhood's appeal.

Architectural Control Committee (ACC)

  • Carol Solomon- Chairperson
  • Robert Mongillo
  • Phillip McAllister 

The committee shall meet on a monthly basis, to discuss new ACC requests. They also will review the current standards, under the Architectural Control Committee guidelines, of each of their neighborhoods. All concerns and violations shall be handled, with the residents, through the Isles HOA Board. They will also discuss any changes to or necessity thereof of standing ACC regulations. This committee shall serve and make recommendations to the Isles Board of Directors and the Isles Property Manager.

Community Emergency Response Team (CERT)

The committee shall meet on a quarterly basis or as needed to educate residents about disaster preparedness for the hazards that may impact the Isles community and trains residents in basic disaster response skills, such as fire safety, light search and rescue, team organization, and disaster medical operations. This committee shall serve and make recommendations to the Isles Board of Directors  and the Isles Property Manager.

CERT Website

Finance Committee

  • Tom Widmaier - Chairperson
  • Guy Spencer
  • Doug Houston
  • Denny Fluegel - Liaison

The committee shall meet with the Property Manager on a monthly basis to review monthly financial statements for The Isles of Sarasota Homeowner's Association to review variances in expenses from budgeted items. The committee shall serve and make recommendations to the Isles Board of Directors and the Isles Property Manager.

Committee Charter


Grounds Committee

  • Penny Russo - Chairperson
  • Lyn Fajardo

The committee shall meet with the Property Manager on a monthly basis to discuss issues with the landscape in the neighborhoods as well as in the common areas. The committee will also meet, in a formal setting, with the management of our landscape contractor and Isles Property Manager for advice and direction. All landscape requests will continue to go through the property management office for distribution to the landscape contractor. This committee shall serve and make recommendations to the Isles Board of Directors and the Isles Property Manager.

Committee Charter

Rules & Regulations Committee

  • Jay Niederman
  • Linda Buchek

The committee shall meet with the Property Manager on a monthly basis to discuss violations that they have recognized as needing attention within The Isles. All violation notices shall be handled, with the residents, through the property management office. They will also make recommendations, through the Isles Property Manager and the Isles Board of Directors to consider alteration to or the necessity thereof any written rules and regulations. This committee shall serve and make recommendations to the Isles Board of Directors through the Isles Property Manager.

Committee Charter

Social Committee

  • Donna Uhl- Chairperson
  • Tova Fisch
  • Sally Nunemaker
  • Margaret Fosse
  • Fran Hertz
  • Susan Pymm
  • Lee Sperduti 
  • Josephine Laux
  • Charlene Suchan
  • Nisey Carbone
  • Carmen Costa
  • Margarita Davis
  • Ann Goldstein

-The committee shall meet with the Activities Director and Property Manager on a monthly basis to discuss social activities to be held on and off the Isles property. The committee shall discuss ideas with their neighbors and present them to the Activities Director for budgeting and scheduling. The committee shall serve and make recommendations to Isles Activities Director and the Isles Property Manager reporting to the Isles Board of Directors.

Committee Charter

Fining Committee

  • Doug Houston
  • Tom Widmaier
  • Jeannette Munger

The Fining Committee will ensure residents comply with community rules by reviewing violations and determining appropriate fines. Their goal is to uphold community standards fairly and consistently, promoting a harmonious neighborhood for all.